Indian Wedding Celebrant Sydney | Inner Radiance

Emcee Services

Apart from the formal ceremony, I can often extend my professional MC (Emcee) services for your entire event. Be it a special birthday, wedding reception or anniversary,  I’m charming as the host and facilitator of the event. 

From warming up the crowd, and setting the right tone from the get-go, I make sure that the guests are informed, pumped and prepared for the program ahead.

For those already married and still very much in love with and committed to their spouse, or for those who have found love, irrespective of gender – we celebrate your love for each other.

Renewing of The Vows


Inner Radiance – a perfect name for such a radiant and cheerful person, truly passionate in everything she does, definitely recommend her to spell her magic in your most cherished moments !!!
Deepa Kaushik


Inner Radiance – a perfect name for such a radiant and cheerful person, truly passionate in everything she does, definitely recommend her to spell her magic in your most cherished moments !!!
Deepa Kaushik
Sudesh Johar Celebrant, Hills District, Sydney
We assure you...

We will delight in crafting a commitment ceremony or a renewal of your vows to represent your commitment and desire to grow in love together.

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