Indian Wedding Celebrant Sydney | Inner Radiance

Inclusions Of Traditional Wedding Rituals

Inclusions Of Traditional Wedding Rituals

Thinking about having a more personal wedding ceremony that’s full of meaning and represents you both, your beliefs, values and tells your story. Incorporating wedding rituals that have meaning to you as a couple and to your families, will add that special touch to your ceremony and make it uniquely yours.

You will have full freedom & flexibility to include any Ritual of your Belief in your ceremony to make it more traditional.

Your ceremony is your chance to express who you are as a couple whether you’re having a religious or secular service. You can include personalised readings, add meaningful rituals that have significance for you and even infuse of your love story throughout the service.

Candle of Unity
Wedding Celebrant Sydney

Wedding rituals can include the children too by giving them gifts to exchange or perhaps involve them and your immediate family members in other parts of your ceremony. Your loved ones can be involved in a ritual or ceremony that symbolises the bonding of your family such as a:

Candle of Unity
Candle of Unity
Sand ceremony
Sand ceremony
Tying of the knot
Tying of the knot
Garland ceremony
Garland ceremony

You can incorporate any other wedding traditions and customs, rituals or ceremony from your area of beliefs or that will bring meaning to your special occasion.

Contact us to discuss your ceremony and how you can easily incorporate traditional rituals for a truly special celebration of your love.

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